Saturday 19 January 2013

Getting back on the horse

It's been ages, eons, volumes of time... or so it seems... but even though I had a few months of super slacking, I'm offically back on this horse, and galloping towards a healthier, happier me!

A year ago, after traveling on the Tori Tour (Night of Hunters, woot!), I had micro tears and swelling in a tendon on the bottom of my right foot, caused from over-walking in improper shoes -- who knew that hiking shoes were rubbish for city treking?! (Live and learn.) It turns out that I had bones spurs hiding on my heels (probably for years) and when I had some swelling around the tendon (thank you, bad shoes) it made the bone spur poke at the tendon and screw it all up six-ways-to-Sunday.

So, the docs told me to put my foot up as much as possible, and avoid walking and standing (as if I could, if I wanted to... for a few months I was hobbled really badly, and I spent several months on tip-toe just to walk around at home.)

In a nutshell, I was in terrible pain, and I had been told to sit down until the tendon healed. This was not a condusive situation to aerobics, yoga, and long walks with the pooch. In fact, it just made me feel really depressed and discouraged... the longer I went without exercising daily, the harder it seemed to start up again.

Although I had stopped counting calories, I tried to be mindful about what I was eating, and I maintained my better habit of NOT SNACKING, which is what I think, in the end, saved me from becoming Jabba the Hut in pink pyjamas during this "down time."

I started back to stretching and yoga, everyone once in a while, but I found it difficult to maintain a weekly habit, let along daily, as I had been doing before. You know where this is going... right down the depressive rabbit hole... and a bad cycle of feeling like a failure causing me to fail started looping around and around... I can guess that many of you have been there, maybe you're even there right now... so you know, it's a hideous mobious of self-doubt, self-loathing, self-pity, and despair that makes you think you'll never find a way out again.

And then, things changed.

The holidays came. I ate cookies. Many cookies. I started to gain a little weight back...
That was it,  the Christmas catalyst : I WILL NOT continue being fat !

Enough excuses, enough despair, enough with the fat girl jeans, hatefully hanging my closet, enough with the self-loathing and self-destruction. Get Back On The Horse!

So I did.
And husband helped me.

At the beginning of January, we decided to make a schedule :
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 30 min. work out at 11:15

(which is really 11:30, because it takes us 15 minutes to get the room and vids set up, and get the dog to move off of the yoga mat, which she loves, in a really frantic and adorable kind of way!)

So far, so good! I've dropped about 2 kilos, and I can certainly tell that I've toned up more, particular in my arms and thighs. I have not taken measurements yet, but that is on the calendar for next Tuesday. We took some photos this week, so I'll be able to start comparative pics again, too.

Even though I fell off the horse, so to speak, for a long while, I managed to maintain most of the weight I'd lost from my previous efforts, and I'm down a dress size. My current goal is -22 kilos (-50 lbs) by May. I can get there. I will get there. One bicep curl, one pilates crunch, and one yoga stretch at a time! I'm gradually moving up from 30 min. to 35 min., and by the end of next week, I'll be doing 40. Patience and perseverance are key.

I will be thin.
I will be healthy.
I will be happy.

All of these things are obtainable.
All of these wishes can come true.

I am the only enemy on my path.
I am the only one who can stop me from destroying me.

I will succeed.

It's decided.
It's true.


Wednesday 13 June 2012

Measurements Day!

 Hey everyone, it's Measurements Day again!

Over the past 10 days, I've managed to avoid binges (yay!), ate sensible portions, exercised, and did a lot of spring cleaning.

 Although I'm still not back to daily workouts, I have kept up with my exercises (7 times in 10 days) and I started adding in more challenging and varied moves for my arms (with 2 kg weights.)

I have a badly damaged tendon in my right foot, so I've not been able to do as much walking as I would have liked, but surprisingly, I've still managed to loose a significant amount of fat from my thighs! Hopefully my upcoming physical therapy sessions and special support (to wear inside my shoe) will help it heal quickly, and I can resume taking longish walks with the pooch this summer.

I was shocked when I saw my total all-over-body loss... I'm so happy, it makes me teary.

04 June to  13 June 2012
Weight : - 1 kg
Breast : - 1/8"
Stomach: - 1/2 "
Waist: - 3/8 "
Hips: - 1/2"
Thigh:  - 1 3/8 "
Upper Arm: -1/4 "

All-Over-Body Inches Lost : - 3 1/8"

Total Loss : 29 Jan. 2011 - 13 June 2012

Weight : - 4 kg 
BMI : - 1
Breast : - 2 1/4"
Stomach: - 4 1/8 "
Waist: - 5 3/8 "
Hips: - 3"
Thigh:  - 5 1/8 "
Upper Arm: - 3 "
Total All-Over-Body Inches Lost : - 22 7/8"

... that's almost 2 ft. of me ... gone!


Tuesday 12 June 2012

Circuit with small weights for toning and strengthening arms

Quick bit of good news: A few days ago, I re-broke the BMI barrier! I'm now back to BMI 39, which means I'm no longer "morbidly" obese. Yay! I had regained 1 kg, 3 months ago, and I couldn't shake it... finally, it's gone, and I'm not inviting it back again... ever!

I found this video yesterday, and I'll be incorporating it into my weekly workouts.
Since I don't have a bench, I've been using a wooden dining chair for the sitting parts, and then laying flat on the floor for the "on the back" parts.
So far, I've only done the circuit x2 (instead of x3, as is mentioned in the video) because I find it a bit intense at the end of the 2nd round. I hope to be up to the full 3 rounds by next week. In the meantime, instead of doing the 3rd round of this circuit, I've been doing 1 round of my usual arm workout (from Susan Powter's Lean Muscle Mass video.)

This routine works on the arms, shoulders, chest, and back. I'm hopeful that it will help give me more improvement in my triceps (yeah, problem zone extraordinaire!)

Here is the video:


Friday 25 May 2012

Update on my disapearing inches

Hiya everyone, a long-overdue update is finally here!

Over the past few months I've been derailing myself from my previous fitness regime... due to some health troubles (not related to my calorie-constrictive diet & exercise routine) and a personal family tragedy, I stopped working out every day, stopped counting calories, and stopped taking weekly measurements.

I may have slowed down, but I have not given up!

Since mid-February, I have managed to do some yoga once or twice a week, I still take regular walks with the pooch, continued to de-clutter and pro-Feng Shui my home, and even though I'm no longer obsessively counting calories, I do continue to be conscientious about portion sizes and to be mindful about my binging urges.

Also, I have been keeping track of my weight, stepping on the scales every few days. My numbers are constant, stuck between a 2-kilo difference, which fluctuates back and fourth, regardless of how much cake I've eaten the day before, or if I did yoga or not. Of course I'm happy that it's not going up, but recently I've been feeling frustrated that I'm still stuck on this plateau.

My previous measurements were on 19 February, and showed a little change from the measurements taken on the 11th and the 16th. The numbers weren't staggering, but they were successfully and continually dropping. (Score!)

A couple of nights ago, I noticed a difference in my stomach... there seemed to be significantly less of it than there had been before. My weight has been stable, but could I have lost inches?!

Now, here comes the BIG SURPRISE . . .

Not only have I lost inches : I've lost significant inches!

19 Feb. to  23 March 2012
Weight : + 1 kilo (2.2 lbs)
Breast : + 1/4 "
Stomach: - 1/8 "
Waist: - 1  1/8 "
Hips: - 1/2 "
Thigh:  - 1 "
Upper Arm: -3/4 "

Total Loss since 29 January 2012
Weight : -3 kilos (6.6 lbs)
Breast : - 2  1/8 "

Stomach: - 3 "

Waist: - 3  6/8 "

Hips: - 2  1/2 "
Thigh:  - 3  1/2"

Upper Arm: - 2  5/8 "

I've been slowly shrinking over the past 3 months, and I didn't even realise it!
How did this happen ?!

I'm putting aside the initial hypothesis of magical fat-zapping pixies in favour of a more likely theory: Less binging + semi-regular exercise + reasonable portions of nutritional meals + breakfast nearly everyday = a speedier metabolism, leading to fat-burning and muscle building.

Apparently semi-regular exercise really is better than none at all (could have fooled me... until now!) But, be that as it may, I want to up my yoga & Pilates dosage to three times a week and add in hand weights at least twice per week. This is a small increase, as compared to what I'm already doing, and I think it's a reasonable and obtainable goal. By increasing my aerobic activity, in conjunction with my newly discovered metabolic rate, I'm certain to burn more fat, faster.

I'm not planning to go back to obsessive calorie counting. Now that I have a good understanding of how many calories really are in the foods that I regularly eat, I feel confident in making reasonable choices and portions, without having to weigh everything down to the very last pea.

Feeling energised and optimistic, I take another step on the path to a happier, healthier me!


Thursday 16 February 2012

Measurements Day! 2

It's measurements day! This time, I have pictures...
Loss from 11 - 16 Feb. 2012:
Bust: - 0
Stomach: - 1/8 "
Waist: - 1 1/8 "
Hips: - 1/4"
Thigh: - 1/4"
Arm: - 1/2"
weight : + 1 kg :(

Total Loss since 29 Jan. 2012:
Bust: - 1 5/8"
Stomach: - 2 3/8"
Waist: - 4 1/8"
Hips: - 2"
Thigh: - 1 7/8"
Arm: -1 7/8"

Total wieght loss: - 2 kg

So, I'm up 1 kg, but I'm not freaking out about it, because I'm in a water-retention time of my cycle, so it's normal that I'm a bit water-heavy. I still had a good result with my measurements, so maybe I've lost more fat and gained more (heavy) muscle... so, yeah, no freaking out about the single kilogram. However, by next week, I hope to be DOWN on both the scale and the measurements. (Wish me luck!)


Monday 13 February 2012


Last night, the strangest thing happened to me . . . I had done yoga with my mom (hooray for Skype!) a few hours before, and while I was laying in bed, waiting for sleep, I suddenly realised that I liked exercising. Not only that, but if I had not been so tired, I would have gotten up and exercised again.

Who the hell am I?! I don't think things like this. No, exercise has always been an evil thing that makes me sore, sweaty, tired, and totally uncomfortable. So how is it that I am suddenly feeling good after a work out, suddenly not so sore, nor so tired... and dare I say it again : enjoying it ?!

I've heard tales told about in-shape exercisesy people getting a rush of endorphins after exercising. . . could it be that this has just happened to me? Well, whatever the cause, I'm glad of it, even if it is a totally alien feeling -- lol !

So, a lot of people have been asking me what kind of exercises I'm doing. Well, I'm doing a combination of exercises, mostly from these three DVDs:

"Fitness Stretch" and "Lean Muscle Mass" by Susan Powter (from the Lifestyle Ex-change series) and "Easy Beginners Workout" by Wai Lana (traditional yoga).

I've also added abdominal crunches, 2 kinds of pilate-style leg lifts, and some stretches of my own (for neck and back).

My daily workout routine:

To begin, I put on some energizing music, take a few deep abdominal breaths, and dance around the living room like a dork (haha!) This gets my heart pumping, my muscles moving, and my body connected with my mind.

After a song or two, I begin the structured workout:

I start with stepping from side to side, quickly, for about 2 or 3 minutes, then I stand straight and do deep breathing while stretching my arms and core, then stretching my back and neck, followed by a couple of yoga poses for working my core/waist.

Next, squats via a yoga pose, and then I'm on the floor to stretch my legs and back. I do three sets of hamstring stretches and inner thigh stretches, then one set of upper trunk and back stretches.

Next, abdominal crunches (I'm up to 70 now! o.m.g.) and then 2 sets each of the pilate leg lifts. I take a moment to do some deep abdominal breaths after I finish the pilates, because I have just done a lot of abdominal work and I find that I'm not sore afterwards if I take a pause to just breathe (about 10 or 15 deep breaths).

For the last bit of the workout, I'm up on my feet again to lift some weights (6 different movements) and finally, I do the deep breathing and arm/core/back stretches that I started with. If I'm still feeling charged up, I might dance around for another couple songs, too.

Time is of the essence :

Typically, my workouts are 45 - 50 minutes long, but I have gone up to 60 a couple of times. Every few days, I leave out the weights (so as not to over-strain my muscles, which is exactly what happened the first time I tried to do all of the moves along with Susan Powter, in the Lean Muscle DVD, using the 2 kilo weights... yeah, that was really painful, and I couldn't lift my right arm for a little over a week. doh!) On the days that I leave out the weights and I only dance to 1 or 2 songs, my workout tends to be 30 - 35 minutes.

When I, you, anybody moves for 30 minutes in oxygen, the metabolism and other hormones kick in and the body starts to burn fat. If you exercise for just 15 or 20 minutes, you'll be stretching and toning muscle, but you won't be flipping the internal switch to burn off fat.

Ideally, I try to start my exercises between 10 and 11 AM so that I can take advantage of my breakfast calories and give my metabolism an extra boost before lunch. However, it doesn't always happen that way (like today) so if I don't get workout done in the morning, I try for early evening, between 4 and 5 PM. When I've done a yoga session with my mom, it has to be around 8 - 9 PM for me, because of the 9 hour time difference. I avoid doing cardio-intense workouts and weight lifting at night, and when I do exercise in the late evenings, I do yoga and pilate leg movements, so as not to spike up my adrenaline too much, nor force my muscles to work too hard at the end of a long day.

Just breathe :

In oxygen, aerobic, meaning: being able to breathe and speak. If you are totally out of breath, gasping or panting, fighting for air, and unable to speak, you are starving your muscles and not fully benefiting from the movements you are doing. To build more muscle and burn more fat, you need to BREATHE. I take very deep breaths, from the abdomen, and exhale strongly (as if quickly and forcefully blowing out a cake full of candles) -- it sounds silly when you're doing it, but it feels amazing! Sometimes I sing along with the music while I'm working out (this is not only using up more calories, but it's also a good way to keep my breath in check.)

When I do my ab crunches, I find it difficult to breathe deeply, I suppose because I am crunching and squashing my diaphragm and other ab muscles. So, to avoid starving my body of air, I take a small breathing break between 5 or 10 crunches, and I breathe in and out a few times, sucking my belly button down towards my spine with each strong exhale, and then I continue with another set of 5 or 10 crunches, repeating this cycle until I've done all 70.

I'm still coming to terms with this "new me" who actually likes exercising; it's a bit like finding myself in the Twylight Zone . . . doo doo dooo doo, doo doo dooo doo . . . who knows, maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and find that I enjoy dusting too! Hah. Ok, I won't push my luck.


Saturday 11 February 2012

Measurements Day!

Every 5 days (or there abouts) I take measurements from 6 places on my body.
Today was a real surprise... I knew that I had lost a bit more since the last measurement day, but I didn't realize it was this much!

Loss from 6 - 11 February

Bust : - 0
Stomach : - 1/2 "
Waist : - 2 "
Hips : - 1/2 "
Thigh : - 1 3/8 "
Upper Arm : 7/8"

Total loss from 29 January - 11 February

Bust : - 1 5/8 "
Stomach : - 2 1/4 "
Waist : - 3"
Hips : - 1 3/4 "
Thigh : - 1 7/8 "
Upper Arm : - 1 3/8"

Total body inches lost : 11 7/8" (30.16 cen.)
Total weight lost : 3 kilos

This is incredible, and really encouraging for me to keep doing what I've been doing... I've never managed to stick to an exercise and "diet" regime this long. If I manage to keep loosing inches at this rate, I should be near my target weight by October! Wow. Yeah, this is totally blowing my mind. . . !

Sadly, I don't have "before" and "after" pics, yet... I never imagined that I would loose this much so quickly, so I didn't take pics on the first day of my diet, nor on the first two measurement days. Now, however, I'm making it a point to get the photos to accompany the stats! Lucien took pics of me this morning, just after I measured, so I will have "before" and "after" pics posted in another 5 days, when Measurements Day comes 'round again.

Less is More!